8" Crane by Buddy Kutik Alikamik *Poised*

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Buddy Nutik Alikamik

$1,880.00 CAD

Inuit art: Crane
Inuit Artist: Buddy Nutik Alikamik
Size: 8" tall, 5" wide, 4" deep
Community: Ulukhaktok (Holman) 21
Material: Muskox horn
id: 816000296iejy

**This Item is Eligible for our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.

Magnificent Movement!

Buddy Alikamik is a stand out talent.

He can coax muskox horn into the shape of a delicate crane. 

Cranes are among the tallest birds in the world and their family bonds are long.

Poised is searching the horizon high up on his perch. 

At any moment, his mate will return to their nest..

He can't wait to see her.

This is a precious piece, carved by Alikamik with his extraordinary skill and sensitivity.. 

His love for these birds is clear.

This graceful bird is beautifully sculpted with muskox horn.

As a medium, muskox horn has a different energy than stone. 

The horn is gentle and peaceful. 

It carries a lightness that is not usually found in stone.

Every collection should be graced with one of these cranes.


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